Noortec, supplier of printing & packaging machineries and consumables- providing services

and support in the printing and packaging industry

Established  1991

The beginning of the road

Noortec was established in 1991 with a modern view of the printing industry by two engineers. The managers of the company have always tried to introduce the latest technologies to the Iranian printing industry and provide the necessary conditions for its use as much as possible. In this way by using the expert technical team, it has made considerable progress and has been able to introduce the best brands in the world printing industry to the Iranian market.


Providing PrePress Machinaries

● Providing drum scanners and imagesetters as well as first generation drum platesetters of Optronics company.

 Attempts to digitize the process of working in prepress companies by introducing new software on Apple and PC computers. In this regard, the concept of desktop publishing was first implemented in prepress companies by Noortec.

 Teaching Desktop Publishing and the basics of the modern printing industry in prepress and press companies was one of the important goals of Noortec.

 Noortec has been participated in the first and only Apple exhibition in Iran in 1993 as well as many exhibitions of Tehran printing industry since 1995.


Establishing an office in Dubai to facilitate the import of goods required by the printing industry.


Providing reconstructed machines in prepress and press industry.  Active participation in Drupa 2000 exhibition.


 Exclusive representative of Creo Canada, the manufacturer of the first thermal platesetter, and Glanz and Jensen, a manufacturer of film and plate processors. More than 100 platesetters have been installed in Iran since that year.

 Launching the Noortec website, which has been redesigned several times so far.


● Exclusive representative of Koenig a Bauer, which since then has supplied more than 40 printing presses (mostly B1- four colors and above with coating) in Iran and in 2008 was introduced as the best-selling representative in the Middle East.

● Holding a color management workshop in 2003 with participation of almost all lithography staff in Tehran for two weeks.

● Plan and execute a tour of the Creo factory in Vancouver, Canada, consisting of 12 experts and veterans of the printing industry.


 Holding the seminar "Pre-Drupa 2004" seminar

 Active participation in Drupa 2004 exhibition with technical and sales staff.

 Training of operators of dozens of printing houses.

 Training of dozens of technical and specialized personnel.

 Participate in exhibitions in Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad

 Active participation with more than 30 guests from Iran in Kodak seminar in UAE.


●  Selected as Kodak's best-selling representative in the region.

Holding a seminar for lithography managers to coordinate and present the latest technical information

● Active participation in the Golf Print exhibition.


Active participation in the Golf Print exhibition.


 Translation of all manuals of press and pre-press machines into Farsi

 Translation the interfaces of Rapida press machines as the first machine with menus and all information in Farsi.


 Holding the "Pre-Drupa 2008" seminar in tehran.

 Active participation in Drupa 2008 with technical and sales staff.


● First Installation of a press machine in abroad.

Tuprak Printing- Turkmenistan 


Sponsorship of the printing industry celebration ceremony at the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Conference Center

 Publication of two issues of "Noortec Report" with the content of the latest technical and specialized articles in the world in the field of prepress, press and postpress.

 َActive Participation in Tehran's International printing & Packaging exhibition.


Installation of dozens of Koenig & , Bauer printing machines by Noortec technical team abroad, including Nigeria, Tunisia, Kenya, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan.


● Launching the Noortec application. All service support services and parts are provided to customers through the application on the ERP Odo system npw.


Installation 3 Press MAchines in Iraq by noortec's service specialists.


Installation a Rapida 75 Pro in Afghanistan's Central Bank Printing.


Launching the first online store of printing consumables in Iran.

To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.